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September 16, 2008


Ok, I had a little bit of a temper tantrum yesterday with this blogger thing. I apologise. Turns out it was actually a problem with Photoshop and my batch processing tool...my images were just too big...

Today will be better...it started off sucking - Monkey broke my expensive sunglasses that DH bought me on our honeymoon so now I have neither prescription glasses or my dark shades to cover my albino eyelashed overly-tired eyes in the morning when I'm dropping off kids....great...
We're supposed to go to playgroup in an hour...we'll see...Monkey is rubbing his eyes already. Probably because he was up so freaking early again.

I get crabby with my little monsters and then they do something completely adorable and my heart just melts...

Like these: Monkey fell asleep on the way home from picking up Bobalu from school so I carried him inside and let him lay down on the couch while I got dinner ready....about 10 mn later, Bobalu whispers..."Mom! Hey Mom....get the camera" Hahahahaha

B isn't really sleeping here, he just realized a great photo-op when he saw one...or rather CREATED one :)

Gotta love it...


  1. aww, so sweet.

    Bobalu...very convincing!

  2. What's more endearing - that he created the photo op or how sweet the picture is?

    You've got beautiful kids!
