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December 17, 2008

Baby turns 2...(months that is)

Had Baby's 2 month appt on Tuesday. It was a nightmare. We were there for 2 hours, the nurse hit a capillary on his first shot and he bled all over the place, and Monkey fell off a chair while Baby was getting his other 2 shots, so I had 2 screaming babies....lovely...

Baby has been sleeping almost all day ever since - poor guy...


  1. Poor little guys and poor you for having to endure 2 screaming babies!

    Thanks for updating and I hope to see you soon!

  2. why we're you there so long?

    that little guy makes my ovaries ache.

  3. Doctor was running half hour behind because she was in a car accident on her way into work, (Yet she always seems to be behind anyway...), there was a student that I foolishly said it was ok to have check out Baby beforehand and then the shot fiasco...

    LOL about your ovaries...time to try for a boy??? Hehehe
