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September 15, 2009

Pesto Crepes with Eggplant

Ok - so obviously all my posts are going to be about my spoils from the farmers market...what can I say - I was so inspired by what I bought that I've been having a blast finding new ways to make everything....

I had bought a bunch of tiny purple Japanese eggplant and wasn't really sure what to do with them, but they were SO PRETTY, that I had to have them...thank goodness my husband understands this about me - although I really need to make him understand how this should apply to shoes as well...

Anyway - I had made a ton of homemade pesto with the POUND of basil I bought for $2 and was looking for a fun way to use up the rest of that too...and don't ask me why, but I thought...Crepes! Green crepes!

They might look a little weird, but holy cow were they good. The Hubs even loved them, which doesn't happen very often, because you know, it's chick food...

Anyway - here's how I did it:

In a blender I combined about 1/3 - 1/2 cup of the homemade pesto, 4 large eggs, and a splash of milk (maybe 1/4 cup) I blended that for about 20 seconds until it was a frothy green liquid and then 1/4 cup at a time, I added 1 cup total of flour. It seemed a little thick, so I added another healthy splash of milk....

Are you following this? So I think here's my recipe:
  • 1/3 cup pesto
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 cup flour

Meanwhile, I heated a Tbsp of Olive Oil over medium heat and added a finely chopped shallot, 1/2 of a yellow onion and 6 of the little eggplant cut in half moons. I seasoned liberally with black pepper and a little salt. The key with eggplant is to make sure the oil is hot enough and you LEAVE IT ALONE until it has a chance to brown. If you don't, you'll have a goopy mess - which is why I think I used to hate eggplant, but now that I know how to make it...Mmmmmm
Total cooking time for these was about 10 mn.

Once your filling is done cooking, turn off the heat and just leave it there. Then on the other burner, get one of those little non-stick pans. You don't really need a crepe pan - this will work just as good. Trust me.

Put a smidge of butter in the pan on Med-high heat and swirl around until it's hot. Take 1/4 cup of the crepe mixture from the blender and start making crepes! You can see in the picture here how they look before you flip them:

...and how they should look AFTER you flip them...
(These take about 2 mn tops for each one - SO easy, SO good...)

Let 'em cool a bit and then fill them with a bit of the eggplant mixture, roll up and place in a sprayed 9 x 13. On second thought, I don't really know if the pan really needed to be sprayed, but I figured I should err on the side of caution...

For fun, and because I had a bunch left over, I topped these with a simple bechamel sauce that I added about 1/4 cup of leftover Brie cheese, a pinch of cayenne and a pinch of nutmeg to...it didn't make a ton, just enough to drizzle down the center.

Oh, and we had them with the DELICIOUS jalapeno sausages I brought back from TX. SO good.

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