After a long wkend, today is a little overwhelming. Without my Monday routine, I feel like I'm already behind. Ah well, I guess it was worth it...
So we're back to the grind today...for another week and a half until the kids are out of school and then Pipps is off to Europe for 8 wks and it'll just be me and the boys. Aagh!
Got an email from Bobalu's BF yesterday asking me for gas money for his ride home. Seriously???
I know that gas is $4/gallon, but give me a break. He's basically asking for $20/month from me when he owes thousands and thousands of money in back support.
Oh well, what do you expect I guess. This from the guy whose response to my DH when he asked him why he didn't want to support his child was "Well, you're his Dad...I'm his biological father, but you're his Dad!"
Whatever....drama queen!!!
Anyway, other than that little bit o' drama, everything here is going well. I'll download pics today from our nice wkend. It was cold and windy, but a nice break from the house. We're getting our stone done next week and gutters are going up sometime in the next couple weeks as well. I wish we could afford to do the landscaping this year too, but that'll have to wait until next spring. We'll be able to do a little this fall maybe, but that depends on how costly it is do redo Pipps room.
Hopefully we'll be able to get Pipps' room all done before she gets home, but we'll have to see. All of our extra time and money get poured into this place right now and it's... great. I love the house. I love that we built it. I HATE that we have no time or money for anything fun though.
No trips to Mexico or renting a cabin this year. We ARE going to spend a week at the family cabin though, so that'll be nice....AND budget friendly :)
So...I don't know what else to share today. I felt like writing, but I guess I don't really have anything that interesting to write about. We have baseball tonight :) DH is a wonderful coach and Bobalu is a really good player. It amazes me how athletic he is without even trying....I shouldn't say that...he tries hard, but it just comes so naturally to him. Yeay B!!!