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September 15, 2009

Cream Cheese Stuffed Chili's

I found this recipe originally on PWC - if you haven't checked out this site before, I highly encourage you to. I stumbled upon it through a friend a few months ago and I now read it religiously...

ANYWAY - the way she makes them is good - if you're not into spicy - which we REALLY are. We love hot things, spicy things, if it makes you sweat, makes your nose run, makes you cry...we like it that way.

So I had bought a ton of different chilis and jalapenos at the farmers market on Saturday and was wondering what I should do with them when I remembered how much I loved this recipe last time with the jalapenos. I thought, of course! they'll be even better with the SPICY chilis...and they were. They were freaking fabulous. I love them. My husband loves them. I could seriously eat a gazillion of them.

I wish I would've taken a picture, but sadly, they were all gone by the time I even thought of it.

SO - click the link above and see hers and try and imagine a bunch of different colors and sizes and spice levels and you've pretty much got what I made :) YUM.

So here's the recipe:

  • A bunch of chili peppers - the small ones work the best since you can just pop 'em in your mouth.
  • Cream Cheese - you can use regular, neufchatel, fat free, whatever floats your boat
  • Bacon - mmmmm

  1. Cut the peppers in half - scoop out the guts
  2. Cut a smudge of cream cheese off the block and smoosh into the pepper half
  3. Wrap with a piece of bacon - or a half piece if you have a small pepper
  4. Grill 'em, broil em, whatever...just make sure you cook them until the bacon is crispy. Soggy bacon = yucky, but if you like soggy bacon, I guess you could do it that way too.


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