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September 15, 2009

Fingerling Potatos with Lemon and Stuff...

Again with the farmers market stuff....I LOVE the farmers market...and this time I took pictures! Woohoo!

Start with a bunch of fingerling potatos. I bought the package with the white, red and blue. What can I say - I love color in my kitchen and haven't seen blue potatos since I lived in Sweden. I was feeling nostalgic and since Pipps was with me, I just couldn't resist.

I boiled them slowly in some water with a little kosher salt. In hindsight, I think this would've been better had I roasted them - which I LOVE to do with potatos, but I don't know...the whole swedish thing had me thinking boiled potatos, so that's how I did 'em.

While those bad boys are cooking (make sure they're done all the way through - you know how gross undercooked potatos are, right??? YUCK)

Chop up a green onion, a few leaves of basil, grate the rind of a lemon, and shred some parmesan cheese - the good stuff, not the powder in the can...

When the potatos are fully cooked, throw them in a bowl, drizzle with a couple Tbsp of olive oil and grind some fresh black pepper all over - I use a lot because I love it - use as much or as little as you want...

Throw your cutting board full of goodies in with the potatos and stir until they're all coated.

Isn't that pretty???

So good. The lemon and fresh basil and the green onions - they just taste like summer and they really lighten the dish - and I didn't even have to add extra salt because I'd salted the potato water and used GOOD parmesan. These were a huge hit....although, like I said before, I bet they'd have been even better if I'd roasted them...

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