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February 22, 2008

I love orchids...and blogging...but...

I've been thinking of putting a password on this blog which would only permit invited guests to view it... Basically you'd get an email from me with your user name and password on it...

I feel lately like I have to censor my posts because there is personal information that I don't necessarily feel like sharing with everyone and I feel like I won't be as true to what I wanted to do here if I continue to feel like I can't write about everything that I want to...

But then again, I feel like if I have to set that password stuff up, I'm not doing what I wanted to start doing here in the first place. I wanted to post my photographs, my artwork, my digital work, my thoughts, my writing, etc....WITHOUT censoring myself.
If I want to swear, I want to swear. If I want to admit that I did something terrible, I want to be able to write about it. If I fed the kids cookies and jolt and deep fried candy bars for dinner, (oh my God, can you even imagine...) I want to be able to write about that too...you get the idea :)
Not that I have any super freaky stuff to post...although sometimes I wish I did ;) (What can I say, life was quiet again this last week with the hubby gone. Yes, I'll admit that he was gone again now that he's almost home again and I feel safe once more :)
BUT, I digress once again...we're trying to get pregnant again and I don't necessarily want everyone knowing about that the second it happens, and all the little things that happen with the kids that I love sharing, and my FEELINGS...we all know how emotional I can be...
There are, to be honest, people in this world (you know who you are) that I don't really trust with anything at all because...well, you know why...and most of my readers know why too, so I'll
just leave it at that...
Any thoughts???

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